Dog Behavior After Deworming, What to Expect After Treatment

Unusual Dog Behaviors After Deworming Should Not Worry You

A dog with worms is a sad dog because the worms can cause him difficulty. Deworming your dog will greatly ease his discomfort but you will need to be on the lookout for any unusual dog behavior after deworming that may arise. Fortunately, the typical behavior of dogs after deworming is a sign that the medicine has worked and that your dog will be free from the parasites and can now enjoy good health. Your local vet can give you information on the type of dog behaviors after deworming to expect and the best way to handle them.

Using Traditional and Conventional Treatments

Veterinarians typically try to use the least toxic or invasive treatments as a general rule. Often they’ll prescribe anthelmintics like ivermectin, fenbendazole, praziquantel, pyrantel pamoate, milbemycin oxime, etc. Sometimes they may combine formulations when treatment should target more than one or a specific species of worms. Most of the time dogs do not present side effects from these treatments. but some times owners will notice a behavioral change.

Possible Dog Behaviors After Deworming

1. Upset Stomach: A common symptom that is easy to identify is an upset stomach. Your dog may vomit or seem nauseous, experience a bit of diarrhea, or discomfort in his stomach. If you observe this, contact your vet for further advice. Do not be alarmed if you spot worms or eggs in your dog’s vomit or stool; for some parasite species, this con be confirmation the medicine is working.

2. Lack of Energy: Some medications administered to eliminate worms may result in a temporary lethargy in dogs. If malaise occurs for an extended period, beyond 24 hours, contact your vet for advice.

3. Poor Appetite: Alongside upset stomach, another dog behavior after deworming is a poor appetite. With the worms reacting to the medication and wanting to find a way out of your dog’s stomach, it is likely that your dog will be reluctant to eat much. Thankfully, this particular behavior of dogs after deworming will be short-lived, and your dog will get her normal appetite back.

4. Full Of Energy: There are positive dog behaviors after deworming that can be observed once the negative behaviors have run their course. Where your dog previously appeared sickly and malnourished because of the worms it was carrying around, she will now have a new lease on life. Your dog will now be healthy and full of energy.

5. Business As Usual: The degree of negative dog behaviors after deworming may depend on your dog’s reaction to the medication or the degree of worm infestation she has experienced. If you are fortunate, your dog may not show any change in behavior patterns following deworming. Nonetheless, keep your pet under close observation just in case.

Utilizing Holistic, Natural or Homeopathic Alternatives (Non-traditional treatments)

There is much discussion on this topic, but the definition is that traditional dewormers are based on synthetic chemical substances, including pesticides containing toxins and carcinogens. These chemical-based products have the effect to suppress the immune system and harm the health of the dog in the long term..

By using homeopathic, natural or holistic alternatives, the exposure to toxicity and disease agents can be reduced dramatically, thereby helping to maintain your dog’s immune system strong and healthy.

Some holistic dewormers to use as an alternative are Wormwood (herbal remedy), carrots, clove (limited and controlled), Diatomaceous earth (Food DE grade), drops of Oregon grape, apple cider vinegar, etc.

You can also find natural pet products in the market, such as Natural Pet Dewormer, recommended by some veterinarians for the treatment and prevention of worms like pinworms, roundworms, giardia, tapeworms, whipworms, and ringworms.

Also, remember that a good diet is very important to improve the health of your dog.

Managing Dog Behaviors After Deworming

Once you suspect or confirm that your dog has worms, she should be dewormed. To better manage any negative post-deworming behaviors in dogs, consult your vet on what to expect. Your vet can advise you on the best dewormer for your dog and the anticipated after-effects. Avoid using over-the-counter medication to deworm your pet; let your vet administer the treatment as they are better equipped to handle any adverse side effects caused by the medication.


  1. I wormed my dog ( a staffy ) yesterdAy, today he has been sick a few times, stools are normal also he is very restless, cries, think hes got tummy ache. Any home advice??

  2. Gave my 7 week old pup dewormer . Now hes throwing up non stop and threw up a long worm. Hes sleeping now but i know he doesnt feel well is this normal?

  3. My dog is not eating any thing what we are feeding it (we are feeding puppy starter, dog biscuits) so what to do for feeding at is too lazy and sleeping every time

  4. I just gave my baby chihuahua his first dewormer je just threw it up. Is that normal, is he going to be ok

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